Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Ratna Assan in Papillon

Ratna Assan
Zoraima in Papillon

Steve McQueen stars as Henri Charriere, called Papillon because of a butterfly tattoo on his chest, who is sentenced to serve his time in French Guiana. Opon arriving, he quickly forms a partnership with frail forger Louis Dega, played by Dustin Hoffman. Papillon continuously makes escape attempts, only to fail and  end up in solitary confinement. He then ....... wait a minute, I thought this blog was about jungle girls, cave girls and native girls. Correct it is. In one of Papillon's later escape attempts, while running away he jumps into a river. When he wakes up, he's at a native village. The name of the tribe and the exact location of were this tribe is located in relationship to were the prison is is never stated. The chief has one of the women go to Papillon and bring him food, she is called Zoraima in the credits. Next follows a montage of them doing various things: eating, swimming, fishing. I'm not all sure what they did but it is obvious who he did. The chief has Papillon give him a butterfly tattoo like the one that Papillon has on his chest. Papillon does this and the following day he wakes up and finds that the village is now deserted.

Movie scholars often say that the 1960s and the 1970s were the second Golden Age of movies. This is the first time that film makers who grew up watching movies on TV started to make their own movies. There was a lot of experimentation with characters and how movies were made. Papillon is a good example. It is a two and a half hour movie were the main character is sent to prison, escapes, gets captured, is sent to solitary confinement, escapes, gets captured and is sent to solitary confinement over and over again. Then at the two hour mark there is a seven minute sequence were there is no dialog, just music and sound effects. Not only that but the sequence contains a completely separate group of characters, that aren't even in the rest of the movie, and the sequence even has a mini story line and it all works. It is hard to imagine any modern movie being made in 2019 that would do this.

The only bad thing about the movie is that Ratna Assan's screen time is barely over two minutes. Lets be honest there's not much to do in two minutes. But she is able to convey a lot of emotion and intent with out a single line of dialog.

Zoriama has long black hair that goes just below her shoulders. The entire time she is topless except for  what looks like a bandoleer made out of either shells or beads. She wears a loin cloth in the front and back, a thin strap goes over her hips leaving her legs bare. Not sure what the material is made of. Zoriama also goes barefoot.

Movie: Papillon
Year: 1973
Name: Zoraimi
Actress: Ratna Assan
Age of actress: 19
Ethnicit/ Nationality: Java and ? - American
Languages the character speaks: Native language (never seen speaking)
Hair color: Black
Hair length: comes to just below her shoulders
Footwear: Barefoot
Nudity: Yes (topless the whole time)
Category: Native
Location: unnamed island in the French Guiana
Screen Time: 2 minutes 13 seconds
Length of segment: 7 minutes 30 seconds
Media: Movie
Country: USA
Available on: DVD - Blu-Ray

Screens caps are from the DVD.
Copyright is owned by the respective copyright owners. Not by me.