The prehistoric woman who thought Cindy Ann Thompson's Eba was so yummy, she wanted to have Eba, and her tribe, over for dinner.
Valerie Greybe
Previously I wrote about Eba played by Cindy Ann Thompson in Cavegirl but there are also three other women in the movie. In some future post I will write about the other two women in Eba's tribe. This post will be about the bad guy, or I should say bad girl, of the movie. Towards the end of the movie a tribe of cannibals captures Eba's tribe. I call them a tribe but there are only two of them so technically it's a couple and the woman bosses the guy around, so their probably a married couple. Long story short, they get chased away. (For a slightly longer description of the plot, check out the post about Cindy Ann Thompson.)
Of course it goes without saying that she dosen't do to much in the movie. She only has about two minutes of screen time and only appears at the 1 hour 6 minute mark. Although the actress must have some fire eating training because she does this to scare and intimidate her captives.
Attila wears a brown sleeveless fur vest and a grey fur wrap around her left wrist. A brown fur loincloth that is shaped like a V that ends just above her knees. She also wears brown fur shoes.
Title: Cavegirl
Year: 1985
Name: Attila
Actress: Valerie Greybe
Age of actress: ?
Ethnicity - Nationality: ? - American?
Language speaks: native language
Hair color: Black with brown high lights
Hair length: Just above her armpits
Nudity: No
Category: Cavewoman
Location: Prehistoric California
First seen on screen: 1 hour 6 minute mark
Screen time: 2 minutes
Movie length: 1 hour 21 minutes
Media: Movie
Country: USA
Available on: VHS - DVD
Screen caps are from the DVD.