Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Tanya Roberts in Sheena

Tanya Roberts

For my first real blog entry I thought I should feature the quintessential jungle girl, Sheena. Although there have been two television shows about Sheena, this is the only movie (so far) that she has appeared in.

After assassinating his brother the King Jabalani, Prince Otwani sets out to kill Sheena and sports reporter Vic Casey. Both who know that the Prince was behind the assassination. At the same time he is also trying to destroy the Zambuli tribe, who's land is around a mountain that contains minerals worth millions.

This is one of my all-time favorite movies. I have always thought that Tanya Roberts was perfect as Sheena. Although I didn't see the movie when it first came out, I did read the two part Marvel Comics comic book adaptation many times. I also read the magazine sized comic book version too. However, the movie was not well received at the time and bombed at the box office. It's a shame because I would have loved to see more movies with Roberts as Sheena.

Name: Sheena
Real Name: Janet
Actress: Tanya Roberts
Race/Nationality: White - American
Age: 29
Location: Africa (location not stated)
Languages: English and native language
Hair Color: blond
Hair Length: chest length
Outfit: 2 piece outfit. Top is sleeveless and has a bare midriff. Bottom is a bikini loincloth.
Footwear: barefoot
Accessories: none
Relationship with animals: talks and commands
Nudity: Yes
Category: Jungle Girl
First Appears: 13 minutes
Screen Time: 45 minutes
Movie Length: 117 minutes
Available on: VHS - DVD

Screen caps are from the DVD.

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